Attacco: Fa
(Fa) Do7
Sing me a happy song about robins in spring
Fa Fa# Fa Mi Mib
Sing me a happy song with a happy en - ding
Fa Do7
Some cheerful roundelay about catching the ring
Sol# Fa
Si - ng happy
Sol# Mib7
Sing me a sonnet all about rolling in gold
Sol# La Sol# Sol Fa#
Some peppy melody about rainbows blen - ding
Sol# Mib7
Nothing with phrases saying you're out in the cold
Si Do
Si - ng happy
Fa Do7
Tell me tomorrow's gonna be peaches and cream
Fa Fa# Fa Mi Mib
Assure me clouds are lined with a sil - ver li - ning
Fa Do7
Say how you've realized / an impossible dream
Sol# Do4 Do Fa
Sing me a happy song
Sol# Mib7
Play me a madrigal about trips to the moon
Sol# La Sol# Sol Fa#
Or some old ballad about two eyes shi - ning
Sol# Mib7
It can't be loud enough or a moment too soon
Si Do
Si - ng happy
Fa Do7
No need reminding me that it all fell apart
Fa Fa# Fa Mi Mib
I need no lyrics singing of sto - rmy wea - ther
Fa Do7
There's quite enough around me that's breaking my heart
Sol# Fa Sol#
Si - ng happy - y
Give me a Hallelujah and get up and shout
Sol# La Sol# Sol Fa#
Tell me the sun is shining around the co - rner
Sol# Mib7
Whoever's interested in helping me out
Si Re Sol Re7
Please keep it happy - y
Sol Sol# Sol Fa# Fa
I'm only in the market for long, loud lau - ghter
Sol Re7
I'll let you serenade me till dawn comes along
Sib Re
Just make it a happy
Do Re7 Sol Re7 Sol Re7 Sol Re7 Sol (Chiude)
Keep it a happy so - ng
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